Middle School Athletic Forms and Information
All athletic forms must be completed on our online portal, OneView. The OneView link can be found on the website (top right). The Preparticipation OHSAA Physical form, must be downloaded, completed by parent and physician, then uploaded as well as a hard copy returned to your child's coach.
The Parent/Student Handbook: The
Parent/Student Athletic Handbook is a complete listing of all information that you and your child need. Please take the time to read this important document.
Please take the time to read this important document carefully.
Photo day is provided for individual and team pictures. Coaches will distribute picture ordering information to team members.
Athletic Admission: Columbia Local Schools will use online ticketing for all onsite events through the TicketSpicket platform. Cash sales are available at the gates for CLSD events. Review this informational letter with details to purchase online tickets and lists pass information. Season passes: may be purchased in the main office Columbia High School and Columbia Middle School.
High School Athletic Events: $7.00 (5 years of age and up)
Middle School Athletic Events: $5.00 (5 years of age and up)
Senior Citizens: Seniors are FREE for all home and away conference competitions. (If you have not stopped in the high school office to receive your senior citizen pass, please do so at your earliest convenience)
Tournament Tickets: are only sold through the OHSAA. Click on the link to purchase all tournament tickets, event passes are NOT accepted.
A season schedule, practice schedule and mandatory preseason parent meeting date will be sent home by your coach.