The Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 410 to promote school attendance and control truancy. This law takes effect this school year. This new law supersedes the attendance information that is currently in our student agendas and handbooks. Click to view the new Attendance and Truancy information.
Please take a moment to read the CLSD attendance policy. When calling in absences on the high school main line 440-236-5001, ask for Mrs. Crow, attendance secretary. The board-approved policy clearly lists reasons for medical and non-medical excused absences. Therefore, when calling in an absence for your child, please state the reason for the absence. If a reason is not left, your student will be considered unexcused.
The following reasons are accepted as medically excused absences:
1. personal illness of the student;
2. illness in the student's family necessitating the presence of the child;
3. quarantine for contagious disease;
4. Emergency or other set of circumstances in which the judgment of the Superintendent constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school, which may include but not be limited to absences due to documented medical appointments.
Take a moment to read the policy above which lists non-medical excused absences as well, as all attendance procedures.