Forms and Documents

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Forms and Documents

Forms and Documents

Below are some forms and documents you may need during your career at Columbia High School. They are available in PDF format. To view, please click on the appropriate form.* Please print out the forms, complete and sign them, and return the completed form, along with any applicable fees, to the main office.

Note: All athletic forms are under the athletics tab on our website and in your OneView account, also accessed from our website.  

*You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the files. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may obtain a free copy from Adobe by Clicking HERE to leave our website and visit Adobe.

Attendance and Truancy Information

The Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 410 to promote school attendance and control truancy.  This law takes effect this school year.  This new law supersedes the attendance information that is currently in our student agendas and handbooks.  Click to view the new Attendance and Truancy information.

Please take a moment to read the CLSD attendance policy.  When calling in absences on the high school main line 440-236-5001, ask for Mrs. Crow, attendance secretary.  
The board-approved policy clearly lists reasons for medical and non-medical excused absences. Therefore, when calling in an absence for your child, please state the reason for the absence. If a reason is not left, your student will be considered unexcused.  
The following reasons are accepted as medically excused absences: 
1. personal illness of the student; 
2. illness in the student's family necessitating the presence of the child; 
3. quarantine for contagious disease; 
4. Emergency or other set of circumstances in which the judgment of the Superintendent constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school, which may include but not be limited to absences due to documented medical appointments. 
Take a moment to read the policy above which lists non-medical excused absences as well, as all attendance procedures.

Chromebook Agreement and Insurance

Chromebook Agreement: All students at CHS will be assigned a district-owned Chromebook for school use. Please read the Sign-Out agreement carefully. This agreement must be completed on your OneView account in the fall and an "Annual fee" of $25 will be incorporated into the district fee, which is charged to your student account per year, for Chromebook use. 
Chromebook Insurance: Families have the option to purchase Chromebook Insurance for the current school year. The option to choose insurance will be available on your OneView account. Those choosing to purchase insurance will be charged an additional $25. This fee must be paid by cash or check to the main office by September 15. Families must opt-in and pay for insurance by September 15. After that date, families will not be eligible to purchase insurance and will be held fully responsible for damaged devices for the current school year. 
**Families that are new to the district that would enroll after September 15, have two weeks to opt in and pay for the optional yearly Chromebook insurance.

Student Handbook

This High School handbook is available here for the 2024-2025 school year.  
  • Please refer to it when looking for information pertaining to your child's experiences at CHS. 
    • The high school section covers fees, attendance, guidance, graduation requirements, discipline, extracurricular information, transportation, and much more. 
  • For district policies, please refer to the student handbook on the district home page.

Immunization Requirements and Medication Forms

Immunization Requirements for High School StudentsThe Ohio Department of Health (ODH), under Ohio Revised Code 3701.13 and 3313.671, requires all students entering the 12th grade to provide written proof that they have received a dose of the Meningococcal (meningitis) vaccine after age 16. Your child may have already had this vaccine; however, the school may not have proof on file. Please provide an updated copy of your child’s immunization record that shows the dates that the meningitis vaccine was received, or have your physician complete the bottom of this letter. Please refer to the following documents for more information and a form that can be completed by your physician.

CLSD Student Medication Form: Students requiring medication to be taken during the school day must complete a medication form signed by the prescriber/doctor as well as the parent/guardian of the student.
This is also required for self carry medications such as epinephrine injectors and asthma inhalers. Complete and return the form with the medication in its original container to the guidance office.  
** All student medications stored at CLSD schools must be picked up by the end of the school year by a responsible adult, or medications will be discarded. Medication cannot be carried on school transportation.

Program of Studies

The Program of Studies contains essential academic requirements and options for your student. It encompasses a complete listing of all courses offered at Columbia High School, provided the administration determines adequate enrollment and staff. It also contains planning, policies, awards, special programs, college admissions information, and estimated school fees and costs.
View online the  Program of Studies 24-25 for the school year to aid in choosing classes.

Student Forms and Notifications

Community Service Log: Columbia High School has a community service requirement for graduation.
The community service log form is available in the offices at CHS and from Mrs. Meadows at LCJVS as well as on the website. Turn in log forms to Mrs. Hechko, in the guidance office, as they are completed. All students are required to complete the graduation requirement of 20 hours, and is due no later than the first school day in May of the student's senior year. Students should attempt to complete 5 hours per school year. Hours completed over the summer are eligible for use as required hours for graduation. 
Planned Absence Application: The form must be filled out in its entirety and submitted to the attendance office at least three (3) school days prior to the intended absence.
Parking Permit Information and Application 2024-2025: These documents will be available in the summer and must be filled out and returned for students who are applying to park on school grounds during the school day. The eligibility requirements are listed on the information sheet. There is a $35 fee for the yearly permit. During the summer, check the daily announcements and event calendar for application availability.

College Visitation Form: Juniors and Seniors at Columbia High School are permitted to visit colleges during the school day. The following checklist must be filled out at the college and returned the following day to the guidance office. You also must contact the attendance office prior to the visit by written note, email, or phone call from a parent/guardian. 
Transfer/Withdrawal Form: If your child is withdrawing from our district, this form must be filled out in its entirety, signed, and returned to the guidance office. 
Work permit information: All minors 14 through 17 years old must have a work permit obtained from their local school district. The form has three parts. The first page  is completed by the minor's parent/guardian, and the employer, and the second page is a physical release stating the minor is physically fit to work at the job and must be signed by a physician; a completed OHSAA physical form is also accepted for this requirement.
-Complete all three sections of the work permit application and return to the Columbia High School main office. The principal's secretary will then process your application and provide the completed permit to be returned to the minor's place of employment.   
Ohio Minor Labor Laws state: 
  • Hours of work for ages 14 and 15
    • While school is in session
      • 3 hours/per school day
      • 8 hours/non-school day
      • 18 hours/school week, but not before 7 a.m. and not after 7 p.m. 
    • While school is out of session
      • 8 hours/day
      • 40 hours per week
      • not before 7 a.m. and not after 9 p.m.
  • Hours of work for ages 16 and 17:
    • Cannot work 
      • Before 7 a.m., Monday through Friday
      • After 11 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, when school is in session
Early Release and Late Arrival  applications are available to juniors and seniors whose schedules would allow the student to arrive late OR leave early on a regular basis.

CCP Program Permission to Leave Campus:  Students who are taking College Credit Plus courses at CHS, at LCCC campuses, or online, are expected to be present at CHS for all in-school classes, including CCP classes. Because CCP schedules require flexibility, CCP students may leave the school building when they are not in a class scheduled at CHS. If the student would like to take advantage of this option, the permission form must be completed and returned to Mrs. Hechko in the guidance office prior to students leaving campus during the day.  

Guest  2024-2025 Dance Application : These forms are required for any school-sponsored dance where a student would like to have a guest attend who does not attend Columbia High School. This form must be filled out in its entirety prior to any dance tickets being purchased.
Exam Information: This notification will be posted on our website and sent by email and all calls to all underclass students' parent contact the week prior to exams. Permission is no longer needed and all students will be dismissed after their final exam period each testing day.
Denial of Permission to Release Directory Information Without Prior Written Consent form 
Once the form is completed you must contact your child's school office for further instructions.
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