Forms and Documents

Voice Recognition

Forms and Documents

Chromebook Agreement and Insurance

Chromebook Agreement: All students at Copopa Elementary will be assigned a district owned chromebook for school use. Please read the Sign-Out agreement carefully. This agreement must be completed on your OneView account in the fall. 
Chromebook Insurance: Families have the option to purchase Chromebook insurance for the school year. The option to choose insurance will be available on your OneView account. Those choosing to purchase insurance will be charged  $25. This fee must be paid by cash or check to the main office. Families must opt in anually for insurance by October 6. After that date, families will not be eligible to purchase insurance and will be held fully responsible for damaged devices. Any new students will have two weeks from their enrollment date to purchase the insurance. This only applies to grades 2-4.

Copopa Planned Absence

All PLANNED ABSENCE APPLICATION requests MUST be filled out completely and submitted to the office at least three (3) school days prior to the absence.

Transfer/Withdrawal Form

If your child is withdrawing from our district, this fillable FORM must be filled out in its entirety, signed and returned to the Copopa office.

Attendance and Truancy

The Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 410 to promote school attendance and control truancy. Please review the Attendance and Truancy Policy HERE.

Medication Form for Self-carry or Office Dispense

A physician and parent must complete the Medication Form. The completed form must be returned to the school office. Medication must be brought to the school by a parent in its original container.

The law permits a responsible, trained student to carry and/or self-administer medication for asthma (inhaler), severe allergic (anaphylactic) reaction, or diabetes on his/her person for immediate use in a life-threatening situation with written order of physician and parent.


Denial of Directory Form

Denial of Permission to Release Directory Information Without Prior Written Consent FORM
Once form is completed you must contact your child's school office for further instructions.
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