Columbia Local Schools Calendar
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Place your cursor over an event displayed below to see date and time information. Click to view details.
Citizens for Schools Community Meeting
HS Drama practice gym/stage/cafe
ES~Spirit Day~PJ Day
HS Homecoming Spirit Week
HS Girls Soccer at Labrae
HSBoys Soccer v. Clearview
MS~Volleyball vs Keystone
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Eager Engineers at Copopa
ES Fall Picture Day
MS~Fall Picture Day
CHS Student Tutoring
M. Band practice-field
ES~Eager Engineers-Fall Session 1
HS Freshmen Volleyball at Firelands
HS Drama practice cafe or stage
HS JV/V Volleyball at Firelands
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
ES~Spirit Day~Hat Day
Pie a Teacher - Class of 2025
HS Homecoming Student voting closes
HS practice-field
HS Boys Soccer v. Brookside-Senior Night
HS Drama practice cafe or stage
MS~Volleyball @ Oberlin
HS Girls Soccer v. Brookside-Senior Night
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Pie a Teacher - Class of 2025
Copopa Skate Station
ES~Brunswick Skate Station
ES~Spirit Day~NFL Day
HS Girls Wrestling Info-cafe
HS Key club mtg.-rm 18
HS Color War decorating
HS Drama crew meeting choir rm
M.Band practice-field
HS Drama practice choir rm
HS Freshmen Volleyball v. Keystone
MS~Football @ Brookside
HS Drama Parent meeting
HS JV/V Volleyball v Keystone-Senior Night
ES~Brunswick Skate Station
HS LCCC College Fair
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Pie a Teacher - Class of 2025
ES~Spirit Day~Raiderwear for Homecoming
HS Homecoming Assembly-long assembly schedule
MS~ 5/6 gr. Festival of Frights Social
HS Homecoming court and crowning
HS Varsity Football v Wellington-Homecoming
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
HS Cross Country at Dan Olien Inv New London
MS~C. Country @ Dan Olien Inv New London
HS JV Football at Wellington
JV Volleyball at Lake Ridge
V. Volleyball at Lake Ridge
HS Homecoming Dance
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
ES~Fire Safety Week
ES~Spirit Day~Wear Warm Colors for Fire Safety Week
HS College Spirit Week
ES~1st Grade Fieldtrip to Zoo
HS Boys Golf banquet at Pine Brook GC
HS Boys Soccer v Christian Community
HS Drama practice cafe or stage
HS JV/V Volleyball at Lutheran West
MS~Volleyball vs Clearview
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
ES~Fire Safety Week
Eager Engineers at Copopa
CHS Student Tutoring
ES~Fire Safety Week Assembly
M. Band practice-field
ES~Eager Engineers-Fall Session 1
HS Drama practice cafe or stage
HS JV/V Volleyball at Oberlin
HS Tri-M Honor Society Inductions
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
ES~Fire Safety Week
ES~Fire Safety Week Dave Zelinsky Award - 4th Grade
HS Conferences
MS~Parent/Teacher Conferences
ES Conferences
HS practice-field
HS Boys Soccer at Clearview
HS CCP Parent-Student Meeting-gym
HS Financial Aid Meeting-cafe
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
ES~Fire Safety Week
ES Early Release/Conference Day
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
MS~ "Start with Hello" Activity & Assembly
HS ASVAB testing
HS PSAT testing 9-11th gr
HS Senior House Bill meeting
HS Early Release
MS~Early Release
ES Early Release
HS Conferences
ES Conferences
HS College Now Workshop
M.Band practice-field
MS~Football vs Black River
HS JV/V Volleyball v Clearview
HS Girls Soccer v. Hillsdale
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
ES~Fire Safety Week
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
NEOEA day No School
HS Varsity Football at Clearview
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
HS Cross Country at LC conf. Championship
HS Saturday School for students assigned
MS~C.Country @ LC Championship
HS JV Football v. Clearview
HS JV/V Volleyball v Midview
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
ES~Spirit Day~Backwards & Inside Out Day
HS Girls Golf banquet-cafe
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
Eager Engineers at Copopa
CHS Student Tutoring
M. Band practice-field
ES~Eager Engineers-Fall Session 1
HS Drama pract. cafe
Family Math Night at Red Wagon Farms
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
HS practice-field
HS - Board of Education meeting-STEAM room
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
MS~Student Council Mtg.
M.Band practice-field
HS Drama practice-stage
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
ES~Spirit Day~Browns vs Cincinnati Day
HS Varsity Football at Brookside
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
CHS Band Show and Fall Fest
HS Cross Country District Championship
HS JV Football v. Brookside
HS Music Boosters Fall Fest
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
CAB football squares Browns vs Bengals
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
ES~Spirit Day~Wear your Video Game Clothes
MS~CogAT Testing~Gr. 6
CogAT Testing~Grade 2
HS Mini Cheer Camp-gym
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
Eager Engineers at Copopa
MS~CogAT Testing~Gr. 6
CHS Student Tutoring
CogAT Testing~Grade 2
OST Testing~Grade 3~ELA (Part 1)
M. Band practice-field
ES~Eager Engineers-Fall Session 1
HS Drama Practice caf or stage
HS Mini cheer Camp-gym
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
MS~CogAT Testing~Gr. 6
CogAT Testing~Grade 2
HS practice-field
HS Drama practice-cafe
HS Mini cheer Camp-gym
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
MS~CogAT Testing~Gr. 6
CogAT Testing~Grade 2
OST Testing~Grade 3~ELA (Part 2)
M.Band practice-field
Citizens for Schools Community Meeting
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
Bake Sale - Class of 2025
MS~CogAT Testing~Gr. 6
CogAT Testing~Grade 2
HS Senior Night for Marching Band, Cheer, Golf, Cross Country,
HS Varsity Football v Black River-Senior Night
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
HS Saturday School for students assigned
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
After Prom Class of 25 OSU/Mich squares
ES~Spirit Day~Wear Your Patterns
HS Drama Pract. gym or stage
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
After Prom Class of 25 OSU/Mich squares
Eager Engineers at Copopa
End for 1st grading period
ES~Spirit Day~Beetlejuice Day~Wear Black & White
CHS Student Tutoring
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
After Prom Class of 25 OSU/Mich squares
ES~Spirit Day~Wear Orange & Black
HS Drama pract. cafe or stage
HS Winter Sports Parent meeting-gym
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
After Prom Class of 25 OSU/Mich squares
ES~Spirit Day~Wear Your Costume
HS Rise and Shine with the Raiders-gym
HS Halloween Pep Assembly
ES~Halloween Party
ES~Halloween Parade
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
Fall Play Ad Sales - Drama
After Prom Class of 25 OSU/Mich squares
Band Booster Poinsettia Sale
CAB cash raffle
HS Picture Retake day
Boys Basketball - football Natl Championship squares
Boys Basketball - OSU v Michigan squares
After Prom Class of 25 OSU/Mich squares
Band Booster Poinsettia Sale
CAB cash raffle
HS Fall Play tech rehearsal-caf